The Labrador Retriever, nicknamed “Lab”, is the most popular dog breed registered with the AKC and many other clubs across the world, with good reason. I have known many wonderful Labs. 99% have been … [Read more...]
Top 10 Dog Breeds 2015
Our list for Top 10 Dog Breeds 2015 was compiled by starting with a Google keyword research of Dog Breeds. You'll notice there are several dog breeds with the exact same search volume...a bit … [Read more...]
The Schipperke…
The Schipperke dog breed was first introduced to our family by one of my brothers. He purchased a puppy with the families understanding that it was his dog. Being in the service at the time, he asked … [Read more...]
My Rottweiler is Limping…
I think every Rottweiler owner has searched the Rottweiler Limping question at some point in their life. I've owned 5 Rottweiler's the past 25 years and all have experienced some kind of temporary … [Read more...]