The Lhasa Apso was a very popular small dog during my growing up years in the early ’60’s. I think this might be the type of dog that I received my first dog bite from…? They are due respect for being quite tough for their size and yet very loveable towards their family.
The Lhasa Apso was bred as an indoor guard dog in the Buddhist monasteries. They would alert the monks to any intruders who entered. Lhasa is the capital city of Tibet and apso is a word in the Tibetan language meaning “bearded”. Lhasa Apso simply means “long-haired Lhasa dog”.
The Lhasa Apso originated in the area of Tibet over 4,000 years ago as a small breed of mountain wolf. They were domesticated and actively bred as long ago as 800 BC, which makes the Lhasa Apso one of the oldest recognized breeds in the world.
The ideal Lhasa temperament is to be wary of strangers and loyal to those closest to them. They can become very aggressive to strangers if they’re left untrained.
The Lhasa Apso is smart, confident and complex. Their temperament is joyful and mischievous (family comedian), dignified and aloof. They’re an independent breed, which means the Lhasa’s goal in life is not necessarily to please their master.